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The School follows the 10+2 pattern of Senior Secondary Education Scheme of Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi

CLASSES I to X – Secondary School Examination (SSE)

  1. English language and Literature 
  2. Malayalam / Hindi as Secondary Language ( Class I to X )
  3. Hindi/ Malayalam as Third language ( Class III to VIII
  4. Mathematics
  5. Environmental Studies ( Class I to V )
  6. Science ( Physics, Chemistry and Biology) From Class VI
  7. Social Science ( History, Civics and Geography From Class VI) Disaster Management VIII –X), Politics, Economics IX & X
  8. Skill Subject- Information Technology(Std VI to X)
  9. Computer Science (I to V)
  10. Craft, Drawing and Music
  11. Physical and Health Education
  12. Work Experience
  13. General Knowledge
  14. Value Education
  15. Life Skills


( Classes XI & XII ) AISSCE

Courses Offered:                

                                        English core

GROUP I – Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer

                          ( Informatics Practices)

GROUP II – Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics or Computer

                          ( Informatics Practices)

GROUP IV –  Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics, IP / Maths

                          (Informatics Practices)

Sixth additional subject - Malayalam

Skill Subject - Banking

Internal Assessment

Physical & Health Education

General Studies

Work Experience



1. Admission are made on written application in the prescribed form duly filled in and signed. The forms may be had from the school office on payment of Rs. 250/- each. Registration of names is no guarantee for admission. Only students coming from recognised schools are eligible for admission.

2. Age of admission shall be regulated as given below. The student should COMPLETE 6 YEARS ON THE 1st OF JUNE of the school year in which admission is sought for class 1 . For other classes age of admission shall be regulated accordingly.The regulations may vary in  accordance  with  Govt. Rules.

3. The management reserves the right to refuse admission to any applicant without assigning any reason there of. Admisions are valid only on production of T.C.